Bribery Defense

Strategies to defend against bribery accusations.

Bribery Defense

Dowling Defense Group routinely defends business owners under investigation for, or charged with, bribery.
Both state and federal law criminalize the act of offering anything of value to a public official with the intent to influence that person’s decision on an “official act.” The bribe need not be accepted for the crime to be complete, as the federal statute makes it a crime to even make the corrupt offer.
The federal bribery statutes carry stiff federal penalties, including prison.
Dowling Defense Group routinely secures favorable resolutions for clients under investigation for bribery. In any bribery case, it is critical to have the advice of counsel at an early stage to try to mitigate the exposure to criminal liability at the outset—even, and especially, before an indictment is issued.
Federal prosecutors usually charge additional offenses in bribery cases, including conspiracy and money laundering.
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