Mail and Wire Fraud Defense

Defend against mail and wire fraud accusations with strategic expertise.

Mail and Wire Fraud Defense

Dowling Defense Group routinely defends business owners under investigation for, or charged with, mail fraud or wire fraud in connection with multi-million-dollar cases.
The federal mail and wire fraud statutes broadly criminalize any “scheme or artifice to defraud” another person or business out of money or property. The mail and wire fraud statutes represent some of the federal government’s primary tools used to prosecute a broad range and wide category of suspected frauds. This includes classic Ponzi schemes, attempts to defraud investors or potential investors by misrepresenting earnings or assets.
Generally speaking, for the government to prove someone guilty of mail or wire fraud, the government has to prove that the defendant knowingly made a false statement to another person or business with the intent to obtain money or property and that mail system was involved or the interstate “wires” were used. “Wires” includes almost any electronic means of communication, including email, text message, a bank transfer, and more.
Mail and wire fraud crimes are punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and hefty fines. Dowling Defense Group routinely secures favorable resolutions for clients under investigation for mail and wire fraud. In any mail or wire fraud case, it is critical to have the advice of counsel at an early stage to try to mitigate the exposure to criminal liability at the outset—even, and especially, before an indictment is issued.
Federal prosecutors usually charge additional offenses in mail and wire fraud cases, including conspiracy and money laundering.
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